Acts 1:8 Missions

Jesus said to His disciples, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8, NIV).  

What does this command mean for Summerville Baptist? As we allocate resources and develop strategy for mission and ministry beyond the walls of our church, we seek to balance our efforts according to an Acts 1:8 model.

Jerusalem (local) – This was the city where the disciples were when Jesus gave them the Acts 1:8 command. Our witness to Jesus Christ and His saving power begins at home in Summerville, SC. We are to tell our friends and neighbors about Jesus. We are to seek to meet the needs of people and minister in Jesus’ name. EXAMPLES > Medical Clinic Ministry / Community Missions / Community Bible Studies

Judea (regional) – This was the province where Jerusalem was located.  They were to take the message outside the city.  We are called to take the message of Christ to the state of South Carolina. Through our missions efforts, we seek to strengthen and encourage the work of the church and meet needs regionally and statewide. EXAMPLE > Disaster Relief Ministry

Samaria (national) – This was a neighboring province and reminds us of our responsibility not just for our city and state but for our nation as well. Our ministry reaches out to North America. Like the Samaritans of the first century, our “Samaria” may include those who are near to us but different from us economically, racially, spiritually, or culturally. EXAMPLE > Supporting North American Missionaries and Samaritan’s Purse Disaster Relief

Ends of the Earth (international) – God has given each of us a responsibility for our world coming to know Christ. We are committed to missions around the world. We can give and we can pray in support of those who go but we can also go ourselves. We seek to involve members of our church in missions ministry around the world in personal ways. EXAMPLES > Haiti & Dominican Republic Ministry Support and Samaritan’s Purse/Operation Christmas Child

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Serving the uninsured in the tri-county area while emonsrating the compasion of Christ. Medical, dental, vision, prayer.

The Chosen Ministry supports families through outreach and education. Learn more about Foster Care and Adoption here.

Upward Basketball and Cheer registration is open!

Karate or Men’s Basketball, anyone?

WMU, RAs/GAs, Quilters, and more.

Ready to serve but don’t know where to start?

Wheelchair ramps & landscaping for those in need.

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